ATG Theatre Group

Order and Pay — Web App

A web application for theatre guests to order ahead of their visit, and/or order from their seats. Guests receive a link to their emails to launch the app or they can scan a QR code from their seats. A menu would display for the guests to order. They would be shown upsells and have the ability to leave a tip. 
For ordering ahead, it had to work across both desktop and mobile.
Sketch — Design
Miro — Research, User flows
Zeplin — Engineer handover

From the requirements set out by the client as well as the tech spec, I produced user flows, wireframes, and prototypes before moving on to the UI. I worked from the client’s existing design system in order to keep consistency with the brand.
The designs had to work across all devices, as users would either be using their mobiles from within the theatres or launching the site from an email when viewing their booking email.
The client conducted their own user testing with the prototypes I created, and the feedback was positive. 
Once the designs were signed off, I handed them over to the client's internal development team.
User Flow
A section of the user flow
A section of the wireframes set out in a flow
UI Design
Consistent styling, clear CTAs, and uncluttered, and without superfluous information makes the user journey easy to use. 
Unfortunately due to some changes at the company, we did not continue our relationship with the client, so therefore I never saw the completion of this project.
I would have loved to have been able to have the opportunity to conduct user testing to make sure that the experience was as user-friendly as possible.
The client was happy with the work we had done, and I’d love to see it in action when I next visit the theatre.